Ceiling Diffusers
Young 9100 series VAV ceiling diffusers are used to vary air volume from thermostatic control. Diffusers are designed to maintain the Coandă effect of discharged air along the ceiling, providing a sustained discharge velocity throughout the volume range. Operating diffusers from individual wall thermostats enables users to choose their own desired comfort level. This eliminates the problem of having to rely on inaccurate and slow acting wax-type thermally powered actuators.
We have motorized the modulation disk in order to vary the amount of air being fed into the space. Since the motor is not in the air-stream there is less pressure loss.
Add a T-720A Thermostat to control a diffuser as part of a Single-Point Zoning strategy. Local
control of airflow delivery. Save money and energy while you also create comfort.
Thermostat pair
- T-720A – Digital Display P+I Thermostat for Auto-Changeover duct sensor
- T-720B – Digital Display P+I Thermostat for Cooling Only applications
- 12 x 12
- 24 x 24