For proportional modulation of dampers in HVAC systems. Actuator sizing should be done in accordance with the damper manufacturer’s specifications. The actuator is mounted directly to a damper shaft from 1/4†up to 5/8†in diameter by means of its universal clamp. Shafts up to 3/4†diameter can be accommodated by an accessory clamp.
The actuator operates in response to a 2 to 10 VDC, or with the addition of a 500 7 resistor, a 4 to 20 mA control input from an electronic controller or positioner. A 2 to 10 VDC feedback signal is provided for position indication or master-slave applications.
The actuator is not provided with and does not require any limit switches, but is electronically protected against overload. The anti-rotation strap supplied with the actuator will prevent lateral movement.
The LMB series provides 95° of rotation and a visual indicator indicates position of the actuator. When reaching the damper or actuator end position, the actuator automatically stops. The gears can be manually disengaged with a button on the actuator cover.
The LMB24-SR… actuators use a sensorless Brushless DC motor, which is controlled by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). The ASIC monitors and controls the actuator’s rotation and provides a digital rotation sensing (DRS) function to prevent damage to the actuator in a stall condition. Power consumption is reduced in holding mode.
Add on auxiliary switches or feedback potentiometers are easily fastened directly onto the actuator body for signaling and switching functions.