Motorized Rectangular Dampers

Young Regulator has been manufacturing motorized dampers since the late 1960s. We are committed to making the best Low to Medium Pressure Dampers in the commercial HVAC market place. We offer configurations to address nearly any air control situation. Over the last 50 years, Young Regulator has defined “Commercial Quality Damper”:

  1. Heavy Gauge metal. Young Regulator never uses anything less than 20 gauge metal.
  2. Nylon Blade Bushings for quiet operation
  3. Stainless steel slides for smooth operation and wear resistance
  4. Custom extrusions designed to maintain strength and reduce twist.
  5. Opposed Blade dampers better spread the airflow across the face to reduce turbulence and air noise.
  6. High-Quality Motors we use only the best synchronous and brushless motors.
  7. Versatile applications. We know you have requirements to control airflow for many challenges.

We give you the tools to solve problems:

  • New Construction
  • Retro-Fit
  • Temperature Control
  • Air Distribution
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Home Automation
  • Laboratory
  • Ventilation
  • Much More


3151: Two-Position Opposed-Blade Damper with an anti-backlash synchronous motor


SDTF: Opposed Blade Damper with Belimo Brushless Spring Return Motor


3045: Medium Pressure Damper with Belimo Brushless Motor. Blade and Jam Seals Optional


Recommended Thermostats

  • T-312-CE: Floating Control Thermostat
  • T-720A: Auto-changeover Proportional and Integral (P+I) Digital Thermostat

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