Bowden Cable Controls
have been one of Young Regulator’s core products since the beginning in the 1940s. Emil Young recognized the need to adjust ventilation dampers made inaccessible by hard ceilings. He designed our familiar Rack and Pinion Controller. Click on the movie icon (on the left) to see a video. Architect and building designers are being squeezed to create the most usable (and therefore salable) volume for a given foot print. The mechanical equipment are having to do more with less space.  Bowden Cable controls give HVAC engineers the flexibility to control ducts up to 50 feet away. Allowing them to make the best use of the space they have.
How’s It Work
The Rack and Pinion Controller translates rotational motion at the bottom to push and pull motion of the Bowden cased wire. The wire then rotates the hub attached to the damper shaft; open and closing then damper blade.
Inside or Outside: The cable can run inside or outside the airstream. Watch out for sharp turns that make the inner wire hard to push and pull.
Young Regulator has solutions for terminating either end inside or out side. See the damper selections below.
The Bowden Casing and Wire is a lot like the bicycle brake cable. There is a 0.054″ center stainless steel wire (200,000 lb+ tensile strength) that run inside a 1/16th inch coiled galvanized wire sheath. The cable needs to be run with wide graceful turns and secured to the building at least every five(5) feet.
The Dampers designed to go with Bowden Cable systems are rugged and simple. There is a Casing Coupling that secures the casing. The inner wire comes through the coupling to a wire stop on the damper hub. When the wire is pushed and pulled, it cause the hub to rotate the damper blade. The controller is designed to rotate easily but hold its place. There is virtually no way that the blade will turn in the air stream.
Bowden Hardware Kits – “B Kits and Accessories”
Young Regulator understand that not all dampers come from Walton Hills, OH. However, we want everyone to be able to utilize Bowden Cable Controls. Therefore we sell kits with all the hardware you need to connect any of our termination Options with dampers made somewhere else. Young Regulator only uses super heavy duty half inch (0.5″) shafts. we know not everyone has the same commitment to “Heft”. If you need a “B” kit fir a 1/4″ shaft, ask for the “Q” kits.
Exterior Cables
Exterior installation method. Run the cable along building trusses or other structures to provide stability for the cable. Young Regulator recommends fixing the cable at least every five (5) feet if practical. Bend Radius should not be less than 36″. Use this method with any ceiling or wall mounted Termination Options.
Cables in the Air Stream
Sometimes fishing cable inside the duct work is easier, cleaner or safer then running the cable along the outside of the duct. This is especially true if you are going to mount the controller in the plenum. Young Regulator has developed interior solutions to cover these installations.